PensionQuote’s pension design professionals have provided creative design, marketing, and third party administration services for pension plans for more than thirty years. Our team of actuaries, pension attorneys, and marketing specialists pioneered leveraged defined benefit plans in the early 1980s. Recently, we have developed unique marketing strategies for financial advisors/consultants, insurance professionals, brokerage firms, insurance marketing groups, and insurance companies that take advantage of the favorable tax environment for retirement plans. We will help you succeed because we have studied and understand the common qualities that distinguish those prospects and clients most interested in our products and services.
The qualified pension market is accessible to everyone regardless of the advisors’, brokers’ or agents’ specialty. This market allows you to transition into estate planning discussions, wealth transfer discussions, and business transition/business sale strategy discussions and generally allows you to offer the breadth of financial services.
Don’t miss the opportunity to ask a client about their desire for larger retirement plan contributions and larger tax deductions before a competitor does. Please take a moment to call our office to speak with an executive regarding our services or a specific case 1.800.717.4723 or fill out our registration form.