PensionQuote Blog
How to Survive a Visit from the IRS or DOL
There are few things that will give a person that sinking feeling in the pit of their stomach like opening the mailbox and seeing an envelope with the words "Internal Revenue Service" (or Department of Labor) in the return address. It is similar to seeing that police...
Top Heavy Impact on 401(k) Plans
There are many reasons for the wide popularity of 401(k) plans, one of which is that they shift the funding burden from employers to employees. But this advantage may be diminished for plans classified as "top heavy" where special contribution rules kick in that plan...
At Your Service
One of the most fundamental requirements in managing a qualified retirement plan is counting an employee's length of service. It is the basis for determining such items as plan eligibility, entitlement to company contributions, vesting and even retirement itself....
Increasing 401(k) Plan Participation
Cash or deferred retirement plans, more commonly referred to as 401(k) plans, have become the backbone of the private pension system in America. They long ago replaced employer-sponsored pension plans as the most common vehicle for retirement savings. These plans,...
Should They Stay or Should They Go: Dealing with Terminated Participants
Sooner or later, every retirement plan will have to deal with participants who have terminated employment but still have balances in the plan. In most circumstances, the plan document provides guidance on how to proceed; however, there are a number of factors that can...
Cash Balance Plans 101
Cash balance plans have enjoyed a recent resurgence in popularity. However, these plans, which can provide tax-deductible benefits as much as five times greater than 401(k) profit sharing plans, have actually existed for more than 30 years. When the Pension Protection...