PensionQuote Blog
Let the IRS Pay For Your Child’s College Degree
“Junior gets a degree and they get to enjoy the fruits of their labor thanks to Uncle Sam” The cost of a college degree in this country is soaring, with nothing but future skyrocketing in sight. A recent CNN Special Report Ivory Tower [ link ] highlighted the point...
Spring Cleaning: Fresh Ideas to Protect Client’s Assets
Springtime not only ushers in an end to a long, brutal winter, it also gives rise to blooming flowers and blossoming ideas that are fresh on every high net worth client’s mind—Asset Protection! High income clients are busily meeting with their CPAs… wrapping up their...
Q4 is “Go Time” for High Income Clients to implement Split-Funded Defined Benefit Plans
As we enter into the 4th quarter of the year, many business owners are still feeling the sting of the large 2013 tax increases, which took a big bite out of their bottom line. As they review the current year with their money managers-- Advisors and CPAs—looming on the...
The Ultimate Plan Sponsor Checklist
August 2014 Newsletter Introduction Do you have copies of all the plan documents and records? Are you properly insured as a plan sponsor? Do you timely distribute required documents, notices and educational retirement fund materials to your employees? Are you...
Become Your Client’s Problem Solver
For the last three decades, our firm has worked with thousands of financial professionals… and in my ten years of tenure I have observed several trends that may help you help your clients. The plans we design are for your high income, high net worth, affluent...
Wall Street Scam
Wall Street and the financial world is a buzz after the recent CBS’ “60 Minutes” report alleging that the U-S stock market is rigged by high frequency traders and stock exchanges. The alarming portrayal of the market claimed high frequency traders “front run...
The Continuing Evolution of the Safe Harbor 401(k) Plan
April 2014 Newsletter Introduction Background Tried it but didn't like it Tried it, like it, but want to make a few changes careful when and how you use them Oops! Forgot to provide the safe harbor notice! Conclusion The safe harbor 401(k) plan roared...
Cross-Testing: The Right Tool for Many Jobs
As the national economy continues its recovery, more and more businesses are beginning to see their financial situations improve to near pre-recession levels. Companies that have not thought about making profit sharing contributions for years are starting to consider...
Under Control or Out of Control
In today's business climate, it seems it is becoming increasingly common for businesses of all sizes to be structured using multiple companies. Maybe a business person is pursuing multiple ventures with different groups of co-owners. Perhaps a company decides to offer...
The IRS Meets Letterman
Anyone who has ever watched late night television is familiar with the ubiquitous Top 10 List, counting down humorous examples of whatever is in the news. Not to be upstaged, the IRS has its own Top 10 List—the top 10 plan compliance failures found in voluntary...